
Wool for warmth.

Every single wool fibre has minuscule hollow pockets within its core that trap air - which is what makes wool so insulative. It is also hygroscopic, which means it absorbs moisture from the surrounding environment. This helps wool regulate temperature so whether it is warm or cool, woolen fabrics can keep you feeling just right. Everybody benefits from being at the right temperature for everyday comfort and physical wellbeing.


Wool for health.

Wool’s natural ability to regulate temperature also adds to its health benefits. The moisture absorption helps to reduce skin inflammation, particularly compared to clammy fabrics like polyester. Wool’s natural moisture wicking draws sweat away from the body into the core of the wool fibre. Keeping warm is integral to reducing viruses and colds - which would cause time away from school and work, with a flow on effect on education and finances.

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Wool for sleep.

A good night's sleep is essential for alert minds during the day. Ensuring comfortable sleep temperature can reduce the risk of waking up throughout the night. Sleep is essential for both mental and physical development and has a direct correlation to improved moods. This has a flow on effect to better academic outcomes, motor skill development and alertness during the day.


Wool for safety.

Not only is wool great for kids due to its warmth and breathability, it’s also naturally flame resistant. With its high moisture content absorbed from the surrounding environment, wool requires higher levels of oxygen to ignite than other fabric types, making it a great alternative for blankets than highly-flammable fabrics like polyester. If it does catch light, wool does not melt or stick to the skin like man-made fibres and the resulting smoke is less toxic.


Wool for the planet.

As a 100% natural fibre, wool is 100% biodegradable, and in actual fact, it’s pretty good for the plants. When it decomposes, wool releases nitrogen, magnesium and sulphur into the soil which activates plant growth. What’s more, when you have natural fibres like wool instead of petroleum-based fabrics, you’re directly reducing the number of microplastics entering our environment during the lifetime of a product.

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Wool for kids.

For all of the reasons listed above, wool is a wonder-fibre for keeping kids warm, dry and safe. Warmer kids mean less sickness, more time for education and less time off work for adult caregivers. Woollen blankets can improve sleep patterns through regulated temperatures all night long, in turn leading to better rest and therefore more energy throughout the day - to use on important things like learning and play!